Your personal data (name, first name, address, telephone number (landline/mobile/fax number), email address, VAT number, gender, public media pages) are processed by Tech Consultancy Pro, with registered office at 2300 Turnhout, Antoine Coppenslaan 3 Bus 1, for customer management based on the contractual relationship resulting from your assignment/placed order, in the context of various legal obligations (our liability, retention obligation, accounting law), and for direct marketing (to possibly offer you new services) based on our legitimate interest to conduct business. The processing is always carried out by the manager.
We inform you that during the ongoing assignment/execution of placed orders, we cannot delete your data to guarantee our services. After the termination of the assignment (possibly by you), we are obliged to keep your personal data for 10 more years in the context of applicable legal obligations. The data we retain and archive from you at that time will be strictly necessary for compliance with legal obligations.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that your personal data may be communicated by us to third parties in the context of the assigned task and to fulfill a legal obligation. You can always consult us about this, and we will inform you about the relevant authorities that possess your data.
If you do not wish us to process your data for direct marketing purposes, you can simply inform us by contacting us at Through that address, you can also inquire about the data we process about you and request corrections or deletions (the latter to the extent possible within the scope of the assigned task/placed order and the law).
If the data transferred to us are not correct and you request a correction, you can always, to the extent possible, request that the processing of the data be restricted.
All services performed within the scope of the rights granted to you by the General Data Protection Regulation are, to the extent reasonable, free of charge.
If you disagree with the way we process your data, you can turn to the Commission for the Protection of Privacy/ the Data Protection Authority (Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels).